Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

melepas kerinduan

seiring sejalan setujuan dalam kasih dan sayang................

Selasa, 13 April 2010

16 november 2010

Press Release

Nusantara BIRD FOOD

Minggu 15 November 2010 bertempat di alun-alun parkir timur senayan Jakarta PT PELANGI NUSANTARA melakukan peluncuran produk andalan nya yang di namakan NUSANTARA BIRD FOOD pakan yang telah di uji oleh para ahli burung berkicau dan dokter hewan ini banyak sekali mengandung nutrisi yang dibutuhkan para burung kicauan jawara anda,pakan NUSANTARA BIRD FOOD ini telah di kemas secara higienis dan di jamin tidak ada efek samping nya.

Produk ini di luncurkan atas banyak sekali antusiasme para kicaumania se-nusantara yang ingin sekali menggunakan produk pakan dari NUSANTARA BIRD FOOD.

Acara yang di hadiri oleh ketua yayasan dan pendiri PT PELANGI NUSANTARA ini Mr Tony dan mantan lurah Bpk letjen (purn) Dr Suyoso ini serta para hadirin masyarakat yang menjadi peserta NUSANTARA Cup 2010.

Ketua yayasan NUSANTARA mengucapkan terimakasih banyak langsung kepada semua pihak atas dapat terpenuhinya keinginan para kicaumania se-nusantara yang telah lama merindukan produk NUSANTARA BIRD FOOD ini juga kepada rekan-rekan yang selalu memberi inspirasi dan semangat atas meluncurnya produk ini semoga dapat di terima oleh masarakat terutama para kicaumania se-nusantara.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Dapat menghubungi
Taufik Hidayat
Seksi Humas
(021)3123456 fax (021)3123456 nusantarabirdfood@yahoo.com

Senin, 29 Maret 2010


kemarin tanggal 27 maret masa jabatan ketua jiwanusantara yang lama telah usai dan di tandaui dengan munas dan pemilihan ketua jiwanusantara yang baru yang diadakan di villa ciawi dan keesokan hari nya langsung ziarah ke makam almarhum tonny koeswoyo...

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

the history from koes brothers

Koes Bersaudara (the Koes Brothers)

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Koes Bersaudara, To The So Called The Guilties, Mesra Records, Jakarta, 1967
Steve Farram recently wrote to me with information about Pattie Bersaudara that I hadn't known before. Today he presents a great Indonesian group, Koes Bersaudara who have a truly amazing story. How many other bands have been jailed for three months after singing I Saw Here Standing There?

The following is his history of the band:

Koes Bersaudara (Koes Brothers), first formed in Jakarta in 1960, consisted of five brothers, Koesdjono (Jon), Koestono (Tonny), Koesnomo (Nomo), Koesyono (Yon) and Koesroyo (Yok). Jon left after the band’s first album, released in 1961 or 1962. That record was made under rather primitive conditions as the studio was so close to the railway lines that the band had to stop recording whenever a train went by.

The band’s early music was influenced by other musical brothers such as the Kalin Twins and the Everly Brothers, but by 1965 they were caught up in the prevailing Beatlemania and began adding Beatles songs to their repertoire. This might have seemed a wise move commercially, but it was not a sound choice politically. Indonesia’s President Soekarno had condemned rock and roll as a symptom of Western decadence and tried to have it banned. He had previously railed against Elvis Presley, but by 1965 he had his sights fixed on the Beatles and all Indonesian bands that played ‘Beatles-like’ music. Koes Bersaudara was one of the most popular bands in Indonesia, but their records were banned from radio and they found it difficult to find venues to play.

One of Soekarno’s main allies in his war against rock and roll was the Indonesian Communist Party. On 14 March 1965 this caricature of Koes Bersaudara appeared in the Party’s newspaper, Harian Rakyat (Peoples Daily), accompanying an article complaining that Koes Bersaudara had landed a gig playing in the restaurant at Jakarta airport. Harian Rakyat thought that this gave a bad impression to foreign visitors.

In June 1965 the band got a job playing at a house party, but only got through a few bars of I Saw Her Standing There, when rocks were heard being thrown on the roof. An angry mob outside the house demanded that Koes Bersaudara apologise for playing forbidden music. Tonny was able to calm down the mob and the brothers returned home, but the next day they were called into the Chief Prosecutors Office and after several hours interrogation they were placed in gaol. The brothers were not sentenced in any court and had no access to legal representation.

The brothers stayed in gaol for three months with almost no contact from the outside, then one night, without warning, they were released. Koes Bersaudara were released just a day before the whole of Indonesia was thrown into great turmoil. On the night of 30 September six army generals were kidnapped and murdered. The army, led by General Soeharto, claimed that this had been part of planned coup and assumed power to restore order. Soekarno was sidelined and remained president in name only. In 1967 Soeharto had himself declared president and held the post for the next thirty-one years.

Soeharto’s regime reversed many of Soekarno’s policies and rock and roll could once again be played on radio and in live venues. Koes Bersaudara’s first record made after their stint in gaol, To The So Called The Guilties, released in 1967, contains a number of songs about their experience, such as the title track, Di Dalam Bui (In Gaol), Voorman (Gaoler) and Poor Clown, which is generally believed to be about President Soekarno. Even though Poor Clown is sung in English, the lyrics are spat out with such venom that it is hard to decipher what is actually being said. If anyone thinks they know, please share it! The album also contains other good songs of a more general nature, such as Hari Ini (Today) and Untukmu (For You).

Koes Bersaudara became Koes Plus in 1969 following the departure of Nomo and went on to be one of the most popular Indonesian bands of the 1970s. Gradually the brothers dropped out of the music industry, but Yon was still performing using the name Koes Plus into the 2000s. Koes Plus recordings are still relatively easy to obtain, but for my money the brothers’ best music is found on their rare early records.

Steve Farram

Koes Bersaudara - Voorman (Jailer)
Koes Bersaudara - Poor Clown
Koes Bersaudara - Di Dalam Bui (In Jail)
Koes Bersaudara - To the So-Called 'The Guilties'
Koes Bersaudara - Untukmu
Koes Bersaudara - Hari Ini

To The So-Called The Guilties

When your heart is down
And you sit in front of the court
The lawyers do something for you
They judge the right against the wrong
While you don’t know what happened behind
To the so-called the guilties (chorus)
They try to differ
From good to bad
The court may sentence you
Prison or even death
Then beat afast
That you feel what’s in your heart
If you forget the Lord
Yes … the Lord above

Thank you Steve, we hope to hear more from you about Indonesian garage and pop music in the near future.

dari hati kira nya mendapat tempat di hati juga

dalam perjalanan karier koes bersaudara dan koes plus banyak terjadi keanekaragaman jenis komposisi musik yang selalu di inovasikan seperti ini yang selalu di usung tonny dan kawan kawan in hard beat 2

vivre heureux

kini yok koeswoyo ingin melupakan kehidupan keramaian kota dan ingin tinggal di pandeglang di desa yang ingin di makmurkan nya berserta nusantara nya ,,,,

acara BKMC koes plus mania bogor

Di RRi bogor jalan jalak harupat no 2 bogor jumpa fans Koes bersaudara

wafat nya tonny koeswoyo

dalam rangka memperingati